
Fintech News

In the spotlight: TaniFund

TaniFund, P2P lender for farmers, has disbursed IDR 89.2 billion through 243 projects to date. This has led to 2,500 farmers increasing their production volumes by 20%.TaniHub, parent company of TaniFund and an agricultural product marketplace, reported a whopping 639%

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Fintech News

Regulatory sandbox for fintech startups

Bank of Indonesia (BI) and Financial Services Authority (OJK) provide a regulatory sandbox for fintech startups. This is an incubation period to test the reliability of business innovations and to co-design regulation with plans to extend to health and ecommerce

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Covid-19 News

Government assistance to curb poverty rate

Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, claimed the success of the social safety net policy implemented in 2020 in reducing poverty. According to her, these government interventions were needed to curb the poverty rate at 9.78% (>26.42 mil) of Indonesia’s total

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Covid-19 News

Updates on Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out

COVID-19 vaccine roll-out faces a key logistical challenge in its cold chain distribution to reach remote provinces in Indonesia. The initial vaccinations are reserved for 1.3 million health workers spread across 34 provinces. Health Minister, Budi Gunadi, urges both private

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Covid-19 News

Small, but much-needed step, to care for COVID-19 patients

Health Minister Budi Gunadi announced that Indonesia faces a shortage of 448 specialist doctors, nurses and wards to treat COVID-19 patients. As a response, the ministry plans to train general practitioners to perform COVID-19 specific services, mainly pulmonary treatment, anaesthesia

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Covid-19 News

Covid-19 vaccine distribution readiness at 97%

The distribution of Covid-19 vaccines requires cold chain facilities, which consists of ultra-cold freezers to store the vaccines as well as mobile thermoses to deliver them. Generally, vaccines must be stored at certain temperatures (e.g. -2 to -8°C for freeze

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Covid-19 News

More tests, more Covid-19 cases

As of 25 November, Indonesia recorded its highest daily COVID-19 cases at 5,534 cases. Almost half of these cases came from Jakarta and Central Java. This is in line with the increasing number of tests conducted, with 43,720 people tested

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