
SME News

Sri Mulyani extends MSME tax incentive for 2021

The Government of Indonesia announced the extension of tax incentives for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In addition, Bank Indonesia issued a regulation on banking obligations to fulfil credit distribution for MSMEs and low-income individuals (PBR) at least 20%

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Macro News

OJK reports increased levels of loans at risks

OJK is closely monitoring the high levels of risky credits (or loans at risk) at banks to ensure that financial markets remain healthy as Indonesia enters the third year of the C-19 pandemic. OJK shared that the gross non-performing-loans (NPL)

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Start up News

Indonesian e-commerce solutions company Sirclo acquires Warung Pintar

Sircolo, an e-commerce solutions company, acquires Warung Pintar, a marketplace for independent retailers (“warungs”). The acquisition aims to strengthen Sirclo’s proposition  as the go-to omnichannel solution for brands, distributors, MSME merchants, and end consumers. Sirclo Group CEO, Brian Marshal, said

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Fintech News

Fintech and Banks Continue to Develop Paylater Business

Delayed instalment repayment of goods from point-of-purchase, or Buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) scheme has been growing fast since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic. For example, Kredivo company works with major e-commerces in Indonesia, and has ~50% of the wallet share of transactions

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Macro News

Leading banks to embrace digital transformation

Digital banking transactions are gaining popularity due to improved customer experience. This trend is also supported by the growth in merchants providing cashless payment options for consumers. Bank Indonesia predicts the value of digital banking transactions to reach US$ 3.45

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Covid-19 News

Increasing Omricon cases in Indonesia

The average daily cases in Indonesia as of last week, is at 1,808 cases per day, which is significantly low compared to global figures. President Joko Widodo had urged the population to get booster shots, as a step to prevent

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Press Release

iGrow Partners With Nikel To Channel Agriculture – Focused Loans

iGrow, an Indonesian fintech peer-to-peer lender, partners with Nikel, to channel more productive loans to agribusinesses and farmers. Nikel is a leading embedded lending technology company that connects capital to small businesses with end-to-end lending solutions for banks, alternative lenders,

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